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Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 

My GIS Skills

Throughout my coursework at Appalachian State, I have experienced many different exercises that have increased my Geographic Information System capabilities. These images showcase my work from the courses of Cartographic Design and Analysis, Geospatial Data and Technology, Introduction to GIS, and Advanced GIS. 

In these courses and by these artifacts, I have worked with ArcMap 10.6, ArcGIS Pro, Adobe Illustrator, MapTiler, and QGIS. With these technologies, I have learned about data acquisition, analysis tools within ArcMap, and proper cartographic design. I am able to create informative geographic products because of my skills.

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Web Mapping and GIS

In my final semester, I completed a Web Mapping and GIS course that introduced creating web maps without other GIS software. I learned how to develop web maps by learning Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript (JS), and other geographic-related coding libraries. Leaflet and Markdown coding languages and libraries were additional coding techniques I learned.

While completing my Associate's degree, I learned HTML and CSS in a web design course. However, this Web Mapping course expanded on previous knowledge. It made me aware of HTML, CSS, and JS's usefulness in creating interactive web maps. 

In previous assignments and internships, I became experienced using ArcGIS Online. This course proved how other web mapping abilities, such as coding a map, are useful and allow for additional web mapping capabilities. 

After coding a map, GitHub was used to create public repositories and host the final web map product that allows for public use. 

Airbnb - Asheville, NC

This map shows a choropleth map of zoning districts in Asheville, North Carolina. The bivariate symbology used represents the different levels of Airbnb housing in Asheville. 

Leaflet, JS, CSS, and HTML coding languages are used in this map.

Leaflet JS and CSS libraries, Leaflet Ajax JS library for the GeoJSON data, Chroma JS library for color schemes, Google Fonts CSS link, and a Leaflet provider base map JS file and linked JS script were all required for completing this map.

Buncombe County Airbnbs (2020)

Available at: Airbnb Map

Public Repository (Code Available) at: GitHub - Airbnb_Asheville

This interactive web map shows the UPS facilities as point data and the number of households as a choropleth map. The point data shows how clustered and spread out the UPS facilities are compared to the household sizes.


Utilizing Leaflet, JS, CSS, and HTML code, this map combines these coding languages to create the finalized web map. Leaflet JS and CSS libraries were necessary for creating this map. 

UPS Facilities in Boston, MA

Boston, MA UPS Facilities

Available at: UPS Boston Map

Public Repository (Code Available) at: GitHub - Boston_UPS

Vintage Base Map - Mapbox

Using Mapbox, this is an interactive base map created based on a Vintage color palette. 


This base map can be used in a variety of uses, as with any base map. The theme of this base map makes it useful for highlighting specific places of interest. The font labels and symbologies were changed to fit in a more simplistic design; with the vintage-style base map. 

Vintage Themed Base Map

Available at: Mapbox

Available at: GitHub - VintageBaseMap

This interactive, proportional symbol map indicates the estimated population value for all 50 states in 2019. The differing sizes of the circles indicate changes in the population size. 

Leaflet libraries and codes were used to create and enhance interaction. From creating a GeoJSON, the data was incorporated into the HTML code. Leaflet coding for mouse over and pop-up events are included in this map. 

US Population Estimates

Perceptual Circle Scaling, US Population (2019)

Available at: US Population Graduated Circle Symbols

Available at: GitHub - US_Population

Holiday Travel Web Application with text associated with a current news article.

This web application uses a Bootstrap layout with changes made to the JS, CSS, and HTML coding to create the finalized application.

Leaflet libraries and creating a GeoJSON were used to implement the US Airport data. The previously created Mapbox base map was included. The left side panel of text incorporates a current news article connecting the map data to the situation. 

Links throughout the web application and text take the map user to the article and data information.  This web map application required combining knowledge of the previous web maps of JS, CSS, and HTML coding to create mouseover pop-ups, legend, and data implementation. 

Holiday Travel Web Application + News Article (2019, 2020)

Available at: US Airports - Holiday Travel

Available at: GitHub - USAirports_HolidayTravel

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